Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Night's Post

I'm slowly trying to get my sleep schedule back in order, but something tells me this blog isn't going to help me overcome my bad habit of staying up much too late. But I'm not complaining, I can see myself having fun and exciting times on the blog.

Two and I had just recently seen a sneak preview for "Run Fat Boy, Run" with Simon Pegg (well known for Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz) and I enjoyed quite a bit. It didn't have the same feel as "Hot Fuzz" or "Shaun of the Dead", both of which were written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright and directed by Edgar Wright, though it was still a good movie. Having actually stayed in my seat just long enough to catch the first bit of the credits, I noticed a familiar name noted as the director. David Schwimmer, or as many people would know him, Ross from friends. Apparently it was one of his first, if not his first, directing job, so good for him. He and Simon Pegg probably started to get the idea of working together after they both played in a movie that came out to dvd a couple months ago. A movie which I can't remember the name of. Also, something I found even more interesting, Simon Pegg wrote the screenplay with another familiar face. Micheal Ian Black wrote the screenplay with Simon Pegg! A lot of you probably don't know who he is, but he was a part of one of my favorite T.V. shows, "Stella". Which only had one season, but it was a damn fine season. Anyways, "Run Fat Boy Run" is a good comedy, while it has a bit of romance in it, it's not a romantic comedy. It has some great characters, some really funny moments but lacks a bit of the wit in Pegg's last couple of well known films. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a review, but I do thinks it's something you should check out. Just don't rush to the theaters to see it, it's probably more of a rental. Although I have to admit, there's just something about watching a comedy with a huge audience. The roaring laughter of the entire theater is something I actually enjoy quite a bit.

Also, I was talking to Two about the blog a bit. Hopefully he'll be able to get some posts on the site soon, but I'm still not sure how often he's going to be writing. We'll see, hopefully he'll be able to stay on board for a while. If not, that's alright, I can hold things down on my own pretty well.

For now, I'm out.


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