Thursday, March 27, 2008

Finding a Purpose, and a Fifty Dollar Bill.

We here at Slices of Cake are still trying to find a purpose for this blog, but maybe that isn't the right word to use. Maybe we shouldn't even be thinking in that direction, we started this blog so we would have a place to write anything that came into our heads. Sure, we could have written on random sheets of paper or just on MS Word, but where's the fun in that? Also, in a blog, we can pretend that we actually have an audience reading what we are writing, and we can address them when we write our posts, like I am right now. Honestly, we are basically talking to ourselves right now, but we like to pretend that there's someone out there on the internets who is reading this right now and might be getting some sort of enjoyment from it. Hopefully it's not in the wrong way, but you never know these days. Who knows, some people may find words and improper grammar rather attractive. Personally I don't understand it, but some people don't understand why I enjoy eating kiwis whole, skin and all.

For now, I intend to use this space as an outlet for my need to get some daily writing down. Maybe some reviews here and there on games, movies, books, etc. I'll probably post some interesting news on here as well, stuff you would probably find from Kotaku or Digg (or something of the sort) most likely because that's where I found it myself. Who knows, maybe I'll find some things all on my own!

You've probably noticed how, in the first paragraph, I kept on using the word "we". That's because I've already been able to add another editor to the Slices of Cake crew, which will hopefully grow as the times goes by. PlayerTwo, (aka; Two, Dos, P2) joined up today, to which I'm pretty happy. I'm not sure how often he's going to be posting, or what he's going to be posting for that matter (haven't really cleared that up yet) but like I said, I'm glad to have another person on the team. There's room for more, if you want to join us here at Slices of Cake send an e-mail to and I'll try to get back to you ASAP. I'm not really worried I'm going to be swamped with e-mails, but I'm just putting it out there in case someone is actually interested at this point. Who knows, and don't be afraid to tell people you know about us, the more visitors the better.

I just realized I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm PlayerOne (aka; One, Uno, P1) and I felt the urge to start up this blog yesterday, although it's something I should have done a long time ago. There isn't really much else to say, I have a little makeshift profile so I wont bother writing down all my interests and whatnot. I will say most of the things I'm interested in will have an influence on the content, or at least my content, on Slices of Cake. That pretty much goes without saying. Hopefully I'll be able to get Two to start writing semi-regularly on the site too.

I'd like to say thanks to the guys at "How'da be a Pimp", mainly Chris, for helping me start this. Sure, it's really simple to start your own blog, but Chris gave me the inspiration for this blog, and by inspiration I mean the website for Seriously though, you should go over there and check out their stuff, if you haven't already. Great times. Also, Bacon Vodka.

Well, that should wrap up everything I wanted to take care of in the actual opening post. A good thing to know, found money must be one of the greatest things in the world... After searching my sock drawer for some socks, I found an envelope with fifty dollars inside. It's not that great of an accomplishment, but for about two seconds I was on top of the world.

Oh, right, I almost forgot.... Man-Cannons in the new MGS online. This doesn't mean I'm urging you to run out and pre-order the new MGS (hell, I don't even have a PS3 yet, and don't really plan to yet) but... Come on.... Man-Cannons. The word(s) itself brings joy to my heart.

"Uh-oh! The truck have started to move!" - Metal Gear


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