Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Forbidden Blood

Hey again readers! Player One here, at Slices of Cake! Were you expecting someone else? I hope not, I wouldn't want to bore you so intensely that you would begin to think of your own imaginary blog writers! That's just ridiculous, and besides... Those imaginary writers and I have never really seen eye to eye. Mostly because they aren't real and I can't really... See their eyes.

It's been pretty quiet here at Slices of Cake Inc... The phone rug today, but it was a false alarm. I was also reminded of my inability to give blood to anyone in North America. Long story short, because I lived in England for more than 3 months when I was about... a couple months old, from what I can remember (which is nothing at all), I can't give blood because of the whole mad cow scare they had over there. The woman who was screening me told me that I may carry the Mad Cow in my blood, and I could transfer it to someone else if I gave them my blood. If I had it, which, I'm pretty sure, I don't. But what do I know about my blood. Nothing, apparently. She also mentioned something along the lines of "If you do carry it, it could show up in your system in the future" as in I may come down with Mad Cow eventually.... Or something. Goodie. If they don't want my blood, so be it.

The funny thing about that story is that I have given blood previously, and on the previous screening I wasn't stopped at all, even though I had filled the from in the same way as I had previously. Hmm... I suppose it isn't as funny as it is confusing... and possibly very, very, alarming.

To sum it up, I'm not suffering from the aids, so please don't worry. Slices of Cake Inc is still running like a well oiled machine! But we're not "All work and no play" here, oh no! We (me) had a, "Pants: Optional" day last week. Feedback was pretty good and I plan to have it again soon. I've never really been a fan of wacky tie day, it always ends the same way. Two people end up coming with the same, guitar necktie and the results are not pleasant. Coffee flies, cover sheets are converted into airplanes, staplers are misused, outside food and/or drink is brought inside and some one always makes an improperly placed office joke. The whole ordeal is extremely unpleasant... and it really makes me wonder what I really have against wacky tie days. Maybe I should give it a shot, I had second guesses about Pants: Optional day, but I've never regretted it since.

-Player One

"What sauce!" - Plok

1 comment:

Christopher said...

I wish my office was more like yours.