Sunday, December 7, 2008

Malibu Beach House?

I've been watching a lot of Bugs Bunny lately, and I've noticed two things. Dave Chapel definitely takes a lot of his comedy from Bugs Bunny, (at least I noticed it when I thought back to some of his bits that I've seen. Mostly stand up stuff, not the skits as much) and that Barbie is still alive. Holy shit. More specifically about Barbie, a commercial I was just watching really got me thinking about all of those Barbie houses you can buy for the price of an extra 12 Barbies.

I never really challenged the thought before, and I guess I'm not really challenging it right now either, but why is playing house so exciting for kids? I just watched this one Barbie commercial, where it was showing off all the special features that the house had. Washing and drying machines that actually spin, stairs that you can actually climb (I didn't really catch that one, I think you placed your Barbie on it and they moved and carried her up the stairs or some magic witchcraft like that). As well as a toilet that actually flushes. Really? Really? I mean... What? I can't really imagine little kids playing with their Barbies in the house and, oops! Malibu Barbie needs to tinkle! Be right back (insert other Barbie name here) .... .... .... Flush. All better!

Another Christmas toy that startled me slightly was one of those real life babies. I can't remember the name of it, but I remember sitting on the couch, looking at both the laptop and the tv at the same time and suddenly I see a stream of water fire out of this fake baby's (who was laying on a changing table) special area. And I really mean it, it fired out. Now, I don't remember being a baby, and I have never changed a baby, but if a baby can really urinate with that amount of force, chalk up another reason to why I fear children.

In other news, the break is reminding me how much school helps me keep on a semi-regular eating and sleeping schedule. As well as gives me something to do with myself, besides work.

-Player One

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