Monday, September 29, 2008

University Brings Out the Best in Us!

Have you ever watched someone on TV, on a game show for example, and just wished with all the willpower you could muster that they would fail miserably? And when they did, did you ever feel a bit bad about it, like you had something to do with it? Well assuming you said yes, boy do I have a story for you.

A little background information, my friends Chris, Alex and I all go to the same university. Chris and I happen to have the same first class in the mornings, followed by a spare where we usually hang out with Alex one of the cafeterias. Now today, we were sitting in this cafeteria, minding our own business, when Alex spots a kid through the window he was facing, which faced the nearby street. This kid was running on the division between the two parts of the road, which looked basically like a curb in the middle of the street. "That kid is going to die" says Alex with a laugh, to which Chris and I turned to look as well. "Yeah, he's going to get hit" I say in the same humorous tone. The, together, we chanted the seconds to the kid's doom.




Then it happened. Suddenly right before a car passes in front of our field of view we see the kid jump into the street, only to be hit by a car. We were instantly dumbfounded and shocked as we watched a man step out of the car, approach the kid, talk to him and bring him into the car, hopefully to take him home, or to a hospital... The kid seemed fine, that's what I want to get clear as crystal. We didn't kill the poor kid we just... Well I'm not entirely sure what we did, but I am a little scared of our collective willpower now, thanks to that.

Another interesting happening of the day, and something that I hope will be a regular update around here is... Caffeinated Chris! Yes our good friend Chris has decided to drink coffee. Now I'm not entirely sure how long this will go on for, but I intend to keep you up to date with information regarding Chris and how his new beverage is effecting him! Now, I took a few notes on Chris today, and his "first" cup of coffee.

Chris' Coffee for today was...
The Caramel Biscotti (Mild)

Me: "How does the coffee taste?"

Chris: "It was somewhat bitter."

Then Chris started to talk about how the taste could grow on them, comparaing it to heroin. This raised further questions, but that would be a different day, different experiment. Different intervention.

Me: "How often do you expect to have a coffee after this?"

Chris: "Whenever I feel like I need it."

He then went on to talk about how he usually has 7am - 2am days and that coffee would probably be able to help him keep his energy up throughout his entire day. Also, he mentioned that it could be a university enhancer as well as increase performace during band practice. I'm not sure if the underlying drug joke only came up for me or not there. He also claimed that he would be able to save Justine (another one of our university friends, who took Alex's seat when he went to class) from stray soccer balls, which leads me to believe that he is either gaining superhuman powers, is delirious from... caffine? Or he was trying to tell me he wants to play goalie for us in indoor soccer this year. Then things started to frighten me slighly.

Suddenly Chris claimed that it would increase his immune system, and that he should start smoking as well, to become a good writer. Also, apparently he would have to hide scotch away in his house. I'm starting to think that coffee is perhaps a gateway beverage, leading on to bigger and more dangerous libations! Being scared of changing as a person as well as being mocked and wethere he will care or not, were things he was afraid of happening to him (I mean come on, who likes those crazy people who drink coffee, amirite?)

While I was taking notes, I noticed Chris exclaim...

Chris: "I'm adorable!"

Things took a turn for the lighter (less adorable) side of the force when I asked him...

Me: "Do you feel any different then before you started to drink this single coffee?"

He told me he felt more energized, more active. Great! Sounds like a regular reaction to coffee for me! Then he told me he felt the sudden urge to punch Justine in the face, really hard. He was also afraid of the urge to murder if he drank too much, which actually makes sense if you think about it. If he was about half-way through his coffee when he said he wanted to punch her in the face, I can't imagine what happened to him later on that day. Chalk another reason for me to not start drinking coffee on the board.

Justine: "You don't want to kill me, Chris"

Chris: "I don't want to, but I will!"

It was easy to see that Chris was getting irritable, as he started claiming that he could do "Whatever he wants" and even started to physically restrain Justine from reaching over the table. Reaching for salvation from Chris' jittery, homicidal, caffenated attacks was my guess, but I wasn't paying attention. I had just ordered volume one and two of LoXG. I can't remember exactly what he said, but in my notes there is something about threatening with circles and lines, which leads me to believe Chris' super caffenated energy must have lead him to creating a new way of killing people, via geometry.

And that was about it for Chris' first day on coffee! See you next time, viewers! Maybe we'll have a dead body or two on our hands! If anyone asks, I was here the entire time.

Player One

"I'm adorable!" - Christopher Hunter, Caffenated Chris.

(Edit: With all the new news, I forgot about the shameless self-promotion! Recently, I auditioned for a play and recieved a part, and now it's already time for us to open the show soon! Check out the website!)

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