Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day!

So why am I inside? This doesn't really make any sense to me, but I think I'm going to lose my mind if I don't leave this place soon. Summer is almost over already and I think this might be one of the only enjoyable days that we're going to have here.... So I have to go make the most of it. I'm not exactly sure, myself, how I'm going to seize the day, but it will be seized!

Nothing much when it comes to new news, the Fringe Fest has already started and I haven't checked out any of the shows yet. I suppose I still feel a little angry that I missed all of the auditions that there were, as I A) Had no idea when they were and B) I'm apparently not very versed in actually finding auditions. Maybe I'll eventually check something out, I'm sure it's worth it!

On a different note, me and some of my Blogger buddies are all writing short stories for a "Short Story Club" and I just want to put this out there, in case any of them are reading this right now.... When are we doing this?

Anyways, I'm getting a bit too restless, so I'm going to attempt an adventure of sorts.

Player One

"Oh boy! Mark Soup!" - Monster Party



Thursday, July 3, 2008

Short Update

I just figured I would give a small "shout out" to some friends who also have their own little blog;
The Things Beneath the Fridge and The Timely Howard

So, go and look! Do it now, quickly! Give me some time to think about something to write about on here!

This may take a while...

"Your a sight for sore eyes! I thought you'd be stealing bases down in Burmingham." -Michael Jordan, Chaos in the Windy City.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Follow Up

I feel slightly ashamed... Coming back here after so long, with my tail between my legs... I would like to have an excuse, and I could say I've been busy but that would be a slight lie. I have been busy, but there's always time for Slices of Cake Inc.

You should see the offices though. Personally, I had no idea interns could survive off coffee grinds, expired vending machine chocolate and those little yellow sticky notes for a month. Smart little buggers.

On a brighter note, I'm going to be in a web-based commercial for a local teen outreach program called Youthspk, or something like that... I won't give too much away, but I'm supposed to be a drug addict pressuring other people to do drugs. Apparently it's the cool thing to do, and lord knows I want to be cool. Maybe I'm getting the message the commercial is getting across wrong, though. Anyways, I'll try to link it here as soon as I can. Seriously though, these series of commercials are trying to help kids relate to this program, and hopefully they will make a difference with the kids who need help.

Surfing the internets yesterday, I came across this picture that just felt right. You know the feeling, when you see something that is simply perfect for something that's been lying in the back of your mind. I'd like to add that I don't take any sort of credit for the picture, all I did was crop it a bit. So, I present you with a picture of what my idea of what The Players would look like.

I'm the one with the suit!

Well, if we want to get technical, the one with the black suit. Do you want to get technical? Do you really?

Yeah, that's right. Now we be gettin techical. Word.


Still Alive


"Happy Canada Day" - A lot of Canadians

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

Because... Well, why not? Sure, not as good as the original...