Monday, November 10, 2008

Hey, look at that!

Sorry about that earlier. I was trying to find a way to make Anthropology, which really should be more interesting then it is, not extremely boring today. Sadly, I failed as I was looking at an online t-shirt store for about fifty minutes instead. Maybe we'll give it another crack on Wensday. I'm not promising anything, though!

Anyways, I wanted to upload a little something(s) on here.

Quality on this one is not 100% but there's nothing really distinguishing that you really need to see. It started as five black dots, and a bit of fiddling with Photoshop and you've got yourself some pretty funky looking circles. I titled it "Frost" since it looks a bit like frost on a window... In a circular pattern.

This little dude is the Metallic Parasite, and I can't remember for the life of me how I made it. I'm pretty sure that it started off as one dot that I just started messing around with, and when I metallasized it, it turned into this creepy little bugger. I'm pretty fond of the little guy.

Anthro Notes

I was origianlly going to take my Anthropogly notes here, but then I got distracted.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Things may finally be starting to calm down a bit, just in time for the winter weather and the Christmas season. It'll be good to have a break for a while, though I'll probably be wishing was busier again soon, that's usually how things work, right? Ah well, it'll be nice! I don't even mind the cold that much right now, it's not unbearable yet.

Things with the show are going smoothly, for the most part. I'm not exactly sure, but we've done about ten or so, and the response has been consistently positive! Which is slightly surprising, because I was not sure how the kids were going to take it. Sure, they do laugh at inappropriate times sometimes, but they're kids... I mean, this play is for them, so I like to think that we can at least get our message out to them so that they may not think about it at first, but the idea that they can prevent events like the ones that happened in the play, just by talking to their friends, family, anyone.

I'll write something more interesting next time, I swear I will. I've got a few things I want to be working on soon, so hopefully I'll be able to update you on that. A video game, as well as an idea for something perhaps drawn or video taped. Also, Chris and I are always up to all kinds of awesome, so you'll be hearing about that soon too!
